oscar isaac was mentioned in the adventures of supergirl #7 

oscar isaac was mentioned in the adventures of supergirl #7 

Reblog - Posted 3 hours ago with 199 notes





Why Matthew Gray Gubler Lives in a Haunted Tree House

I hope to achieve this level of eccentric in my life

The tree house is the least interesting part of this video

I would make a comment about rich white people but we all know that only my own relative poverty is stopping me from truly rivaling this fucker in weirdness

When Doves Cry

R.I.P. Prince (June 7, 1958 – April 21, 2016)
“Cool means being able to hang with yourself. All you have to ask yourself is “Is there anybody I’m afraid of? Is there anybody who if I walked into a room and saw, I’d get nervous?” If not, then you’re cool.”


R.I.P. Prince (June 7, 1958 – April 21, 2016)

“Cool means being able to hang with yourself. All you have to ask yourself is “Is there anybody I’m afraid of? Is there anybody who if I walked into a room and saw, I’d get nervous?” If not, then you’re cool.”

Reblog - Posted 4 hours ago - via / Source with 795 notes

Well ok I met AND injured Alex Milligan in the same night. LET ME BREAK DOWN WHAT HAPPENED FOR YA. The bf and I were out for date night and then the bf leans over and is like, oh my god, that is totally Alex Milligan. I turn over and sure enough it’s him! He’s with two friends and they seem to be enjoying their convo so I don’t want to interrupt but I’m hyperventilating on the inside at this point. We decide that if in the next 15 minutes Alex doesn’t get up, we’re going to go up to him anyway. About 10 minutes later he goes up to get another drink and we follow him to the bar. The minute we approached the bar he had already gotten his beer so he was turning to head back and at that exact moment I yell his name over the music and he turns his head so quickly and I’m so close and then, boom, just like that we smacked into each other. I’m freaking out, apologizing like crazy, the bf is just in shock beside me and Alex also apologized to ME. I was like, god, why are you being so nice to me right now I could have damaged your precious face in my hunt to get a picture with you. I said that out loud. Oops. At one point he said something along the lines of, "we might have to change up our stories so that we seem cooler, like this was a real pub brawl.” So we agreed to claim we were fighting over a spot in the crowded bar til it got ugly. Casually shooting the shit with Alex Milligan, y'all. I apologized again a couple of times but he kept reassuring me that it was all good and then the bf took the picture. You can kind of see the scarring near his eye and the bruising on my cheek forming in the pic. Totally worth it, BTW. Got up close and personal with Alex Milligan and I have the scar to prove it!

#clumsy af #alex milligan!! #fun night out